QR Code Not Working on Same Network
I’m trying to review both a responsive and VR project using the sample projects provided by 2019 and the QR code doesn’t lead anywhere. It notes that it has to be on the “same network” which I am assuming same wifi network but still nothing. Can someone give me a step by step on how to ensure your devices are on the same network as your desktop??
Here’s what I’m going (using the default Captivate sample files)…
On Cell:
1) Logging on to wifi “internalwifi”
2) Turning off data.
On Desktop:
1) Save project onto desktop
2) Disconnect any hard internet wires
3) Connect to same “internalwifi”
I then go to Preview->Live Preview on Devices -> Scan QR code -> Click on link –> annnnd nada…
Even if your IT department has setup a short least time for IP addresses, the IP address for your computer shouldn’t be changing so much that you have to restart Captivate. The full URL that gets created each time you use the live preview will be slightly different as Captivate is creating a new temporary folder for your project files. Can you confirm that it’s your IP address that’s different each time? For instance, my local IP address is and unless my computer gets a new lease from the DNS server then that address will be the same for at least 24 hours.
Why it didn’t work on public wifi could be due to how the firewall is configured in the networking hardware and your notebook. With your notebook firewall, a public connection is far more restrictive about what can get to your device as a security measure but less so on a known private network. The networking hardware may also have some rules in place that prevent this type of access at all to help prevent any type of security intrusion into customer devices.
Thank you for your reply! At first (when I first wrote this post) it was coming up with a slightly different IP address every time. However, now it’s consistant and I no longer need to reboot Captivate every time. So in effect it works now.
On the public wifi item what you wrote it what I suspected. Thank you again!
I’m going to submit another post but I was curious as to what VR gear people where using to access their outputs. I use a barcode scanning app (I have a Samsung S7) and by default a prompt to use “Google VR Services” comes up which gives me duplicate screens for my VR device. The downside is it makes the image VERY blurry. Any thoughts on this?
Quick update. I got it to work. Every time I create a new QR code I have to restart Captivate so it can generate a fresh IP address. Apparently my work computer generates random IP addresses on it’s own so restarting Captivate resets it.Does anyone know if this will work on a public wifi or is a secure wifi needed for this to work?I ask because I tried it on a pubic (coffee shop) wifi and it doesn’t work at all. Thanks.
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