The “Rock-Paper-Scissors” game with Captivate !…
Hello Captivaters !…
After a year of “serious” work (see my previous message here), I wanted to take a funny short break…
And what’s better than a game to do it ?…
I had the idea of making a “Rock-Paper-Scissors” game while ago, so here was the time to make it !…
Nothing really complicated with advanced action…
First of all I created 3 variables :
– v_MyScore (For my score)
– v_YourScore (For the player score)
– v_MyChoice (For choosing randomly my action)
1./ On the first slide of the game (“PLAY”) :
I have 3 images/button for the player’s choice, each one leading to another slide, respectively leading to “ROCK”, “PAPER” and “SCISSORS” slides.
I also made a While action to display my randomly choice, using a multi-state object.
2./ On the 3 player’s choice slides (“ROCK”, “PAPER”, and “SCISSORS”) :
I have an image of the player’s choice, a multi-state object to display my randomly choice (My_Hand), and another multi-state object to display the result (Win, Loose or Equal).
So I put an “on enter action” with :
– a Javascript action to choose randomly my action (1, 2 or 3) :
window.cpAPIInterface.setVariableValue(“v_MyChoice”, Math.floor(Math.random()*3+1));
– 3 conditional actions (one for each randomly choice) :
# If v_MyChoice is equal to 1
=> Modify the state of “My_Hand” to Rock
(Than apply the results => Win, Loose or Equal, using again a multi-state object with my “Dirlo character”, and increment by 1 v_MyScore or v_YourScore, or doing nothing, depending of the result…)
# If v_MyChoice is equal to 2
=> Modify the state of “My_Hand” to Paper
(Than apply the results => Win, Loose or Equal, using again a multi-state object with my “Dirlo character”, and increment by 1 v_MyScore or v_YourScore, or doing nothing, depending of the result…)
# If v_MyChoice is equal to 3
=> Modify the state of “My_Hand” to Scissors
(Than apply the results => Win, Loose or Equal, using again a multi-state object with my “Dirlo character”,, and increment by 1 v_MyScore or v_YourScore, or doing nothing, depending of the result…)
3./ I fixed the end of the game when a player arrived to 10 points, using 2 new slides (one for “Win”, and one for “Loose”)
For this I put 3 conditional actions on my “Continue button” :
# If v_MyScore is equal to 10
=> Go to “WIN” slide
# If v_YourScore is equal to 10
=> Go to “LOOSE” slide
# If v_MyScore is less than 10 AND v_YourScore is less than 10
=> Go to “PLAY” Slide
And that’s it !… I hope everything is clear as the game is in french !…
So can you beat me ???

As usual great thanks again to Lilybiri !… (See : ;
Have fun with Captivate !…
It is fun to develop simple games with Captivate. In most cases you need indeed a random number. For those interested in the way that number is generated with the JS math functions, have a look at the detailed explanation in:
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