January 7, 2019
Video Closed captioning
January 7, 2019
Video Closed captioning
I have more than 5 years of experience into E-Learning development, working on Captivate, Storyline, Photoshop, Lectora, Gomo authoring tool.
Newbie 7 posts
Followers: 2 people

Hello Everyone,

I have inserted video on one screen. Video will play, when on screen audio ends. But I am facing problem with CC text for audio, and it works fine for video. Is there any solution on this? Why audio CC text is not displaying? I am using Captivate 9 updated version.

2019-01-07 10:52:03
2019-01-07 10:52:03

Sorry but I don’t have 9 anymore. If my memory is correct, C is not turned on by default. Either the learner has to use a CC button (you can have one on the playbar or create a custom button) or you turn it on with the On Enter action of the slide, togling the system variable cpCmndCC to 1.)

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2019-03-15 09:05:53
2019-03-15 09:05:53
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

Thank you.

's comment
2019-03-15 14:08:25
2019-03-15 14:08:25
's comment

Here is a blog post, explaining the creation of a CC toggle button:


Since CC functionality has increased with CP2017 (styling etc) it is possible to choose between the old way (no CC automatically turned on) or to have CC turned on from the start of the course..

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