February 13, 2019
Adobe captivate file extensions/output
February 13, 2019
Adobe captivate file extensions/output
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

Has anyone used adobe Captivate for the VR feature. Also I want to know how to output different file extensions with the software.

EX: If I wanted to output a Virtual reality project and have it housed on a web page (not a LMS), what steps would I need to take?

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2019-02-14 08:23:16
2019-02-14 08:23:16

You may be unaware of the fact that HTML output is not one file but a folder with many subfolders etc. You need to publish to HTML which results in kind of a webpage. Since it has interactivity personally I prefer to upload that output file to my domain (or a webserver) and insert an iFrame on my blog pages pointing to the URL (index.html file).

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