February 11, 2019
Is Adobe Captivate Forward Compatible?
February 11, 2019
Is Adobe Captivate Forward Compatible?
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people
Is it possible to Save As the file to Captivate 2017 version from the Captivate 2019 version.

We have developed a file in Captivate 2019 version and now we want it to be open in Captivate 2017 version. Is it possible to open the same or is there any work around to Save As the file to earlier versions.

1 Comment
2019-02-12 09:00:48
2019-02-12 09:00:48

No, it is not possible. It has always been the case: you will be able to open a CP2017 project in CP2019 but not the reverse way. It is the reason I always recommend to keep the most recent and the previous version installed which is possible with a subscription liicense as well.

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