I’m trying to import at CSV for to create our annual test for our employees. In the past I’ve entered the questions manually, but this year I thought it might be easier to do the import. I have the file in the proper format, but every time I try to import it starts the import and then says, “Importing CSV Format File (Not Responding) and then just sits there. At first I thought the issue was the sheer number of questions I had in the file (185), but when I just tried to import a portion (20) I had the same issue. Does anyone have any suggestions? (I’m suing a PC with Windows 10 and the most current version of Captivate).
This is a post I wrote when the CSV import appeared:
I have posted this link in a new comment because it is possible that it could have to wait for moderation.
Did you use the Excel template when creating the CSV file? I had issues as well when tryiing to modify the CSV file for typos.
Another approach is using GIFT, which is available since several versions. It has the advantage of also being able to import partial scoring for a MCQ with multiple correct answers.