February 21, 2019
Captivate’s Quizzes (3): Attempts and Scores
February 21, 2019
Captivate’s Quizzes (3): Attempts and Scores
Lieve is a civil engineer (ir) and a professional musician. After years of teaching and research (project management/eLearning/instability) she is now a freelancer specializing in advanced Adobe Captivate as trainer and consultant. Her blog is popular with Captivate users worldwide. As an Adobe Community Expert and Adobe Education Leader, she has presented both online and offline. Since 2015 she is moderator on the Adobe forums and was named as Forum Legend (special category) in the Wall of Fame. In 2017 Adobe Captivate users voted for Lieve as a Top Content Experience Strategist.
Legend 245 posts
Followers: 422 people


In the first two articles of this sequence about Quizzing, I explained the Terminology, and the Submit Process

Those posts applied to all types of questions: scored, random, Knowledge Check, pretest slides. This post will be talking exclusively about scored (graded) quiz slides and random quiz slides which are graded. For those slides the results are stored in the quizzing system variables, and you can have the score slide in your course. You will get some tips about the default score slide at the end. Scoring doesn’t exist for Knowledge check slides, you can only choose attempts on question level, not on quiz level.  Pretest questions have scoring as well, but the values are stored in different system variables, and are only meant to navigate the learner to another slide,  based on the pretest result.

This article will explore the scoring and attempts on two available levels:

  • on question level
  • on quiz level

Attempts/Scores on Question level

Setup for both is done in the Quiz Properties panel. That panel appears automatically in the newbie UI when you insert a quiz slide (or a random slide) in the right docking station. For quizzes however I strongly recommend to switch to the Expert UI (check the option ‘Enable custom Workspaces….’ under Preferences, General Settings). Set up a workspace where both the Quiz Properties and the Properties panel are visible. Reason is that you need the Properties panel for partial scored MCQ slides with multiple correct answers.


In the default setup the number of attempts for graded questions is set to 1. The feedback messages for Correct and Incomplete are checked and 1 Failure message. The actions for Success and Last Attempt are both set to Continue. You could check the option Infinite Attempts, but I strongly doubt you’ll want to have the learner in such an infinite loop.  A limited number of attempts however can be a good choice. If you allow more than one attempt, do not forget to check the ‘Retry message’ because that is not done automatically. Have a look at this screenshot for True/False Question, to the arts marked with a blue rectangle. I set the number of attempts to , and checked Retry. The Failure message was left at its default 1 message.

I kept the default Continue actions as well, but moved the pausing point closer to the end of the question slide (see previous article) to minimize the waiting time after the second step of the Submit process.

Score/penalty for 1 correct answer

Default score for all questions is set to 10 points. Since some LMS’s don’t like to see total scores greater than 100 points, and all questions don’t merit the same score you will certainly want to change those scores. BTW: later on I will offer an exploring post about the wonderful Advanced Interaction panel (F9), unknown to many because it never appears automatically in the newbie UI. It is not only about ‘advanced’ actions at all.

Changing the score happens in the Quiz Properties panel for all question types with a black/white score. B/W score means that you only get the score if everything is correct, score will be zero in all other cases. All question types, except the MCQ with multiple answers are validated with this rule, even Matching, Hotspot and Sequence. In the screenshot above (T/F), you see the score reduced to 4 points.

I also added a penalty: this score will be subtracted from the total score if the answer was wrong after the last attempt. You don’t have to enter a negative number here. Beware: in SCORM 1.2 reporting a negative result at the end will be reset to zero.

MCQ with multiple correct answers and partial scoring

Have a look at this screenshot, set up for such a question slide, with 5 answers. Two out of them are correct, each has a positive score of 5 points. The 3 wrong answers get a penalty of 2 points each. Neither the score nor the penalty can be set up in the Quiz Properties panel, they are dimmed. You have to select each individual answer, and setup score in the Properties panel of that answer (visible in the screenshot as floating panel next to the Quiz Properties):

The 4th answer, wrong answer, is selected in this screenshot. There is no Penalty field in the Properties panel, tab ‘Options’, only ‘points’. Since this needs to be a penalty I entered -2points. Same for the other wrong answers. The correct answers got positive points (5 for each). The dimmed numbers for Score and Penalty on the Quiz Properties panel are calculated by Captivate to 10 points and 6 points. I had to check the ‘Partial correct’ message, was not done automatically although Multiple answers was chosen.

In this example I changed the actions (Success/Last Attempt) to ‘Go to Next Slide’, didn’t move the pausing point of the quiz slide. This is the second possibility to narrow the waiting time after Submitting the result.

You see that 3 attempts are possible for this question (green markings).  But the Retry message is unavailable, dimmed. Reason is that I have chosen to show 3 Failure messages, different one after each attempt. You need to include the warning about clicking the slide (or pressing Y) for the last Failure message which appears after the last attempt.

Quizzing System Variables

These quizzing system variables (see also: Creative with Quizzing System Variables) are linked to individual question slides:

  • cpQuizInfoAnswerChoice: after submitting the answer (see old article, will be reworked and published later)
  • cpQuizInfoLastSlidePointScored: after submitting the answer
  • cpQuizInfoMaxAttemptsOnCurrentQuestion: while on that slide. Beware: there is no exposed system variable telling which attempt the learner is taking at this moment on question level, only the maximum allowed attempts can be retrieved.
  • cpQuizInfoNegativePointsOnCurrentQuestionSlide: maximum penalty for this question slide
  • cpQuizInfoPointsPerQuestionSlide: maximum score for this question slide.
  • cpQuizInfoQuestionPartialScoringOn: Boolean
  • cpQuizInfoQuestionSlideTiming: if you use a time limit on the quiz slide
  • cpQuizInfoQuestionSlideType

Attempts/Score on Quiz Level

The number of allowed attempts on (total) quiz level is set up in the Quiz Preferences, Pass or Fail.  Default setup is one attempt. If you allow multiple attempts, don’t forget to check the option to ‘Show Retake Button’. When clicking that button, all questions will be reset and the quiz system variables will be cleared.

If you also allow Review (Quiz Preferences, Settings), you have to be aware of the fact that all attempts on Quiz level will be considered to be exhausted if the learner clicks the Review button (also on the score slide). To prevent confusion use this easy trick: drag the Retake button on top of the Review button on the results master slide (or the score slide). Once the attempts are exhausted the Retake button will disappear and Review button becomes visible. Problem is that this is perfectly possible for a non-responsive (blank) project or a responsive project with Breakpoints. But a normal fluid box doesn’t allow stacking of buttons, unless you define the fluid box as being static. I will post a workaround in my “tweaking posts”, later in the Quiz sequence of posts.

The Total Score on quiz level will be calculated from all the scored objects in the course (see Advanced Interaction panel) and stored in a quizzing system variable cpQuizInfoTotalQuizPoints. Except for the feature ‘Branch aware’ that will be a fixed number when starting the course.  Other quizzing variables  (see post) linked to the quiz level are:

  • cpInQuizScope
  • cpInReviewMode
  • cpInfoPercentage:  appears on the results (score) slide as ‘Accuracy’ ‘percent’
  • cpInfoAttempts: appears on the results slide as ‘Attempts’ ‘total-attempts’
  • cpQuizInfoPassFail: Boolean
  • cpQuizInfoPointsscored: appears on the results slide as ‘You scored’  ‘score’
  • cpQuizInfoQuizPassPercent
  • cpQuizInfoQuizPassPoints
  • cpQuizInfoTotalCorrectAnswers:  appears on the results slide as ‘Correct Questions’ ‘correct-questions’; beware: partially correct questions are seen as correct
  • cpQuizInfoTotalProjectPoints: appears on the results slide as ‘Maximum Score’ ‘max-score’
  • cpQuizInfoTotalQuestionsPerProject: appears on the results slide as ‘Total questions’ ‘total-questions’
  • cpQuizInfoTotalUnansweredQuestions

The Continue button on the Score slide has about the same functionality and importance as the Submit button on quiz slides. That actions specified under Quiz Preferences,  Pass or Fail (after Last attempt on Quiz level) will be done after clicking that button. The pausing point on the score slide is linked with that button. You can move that pausing point the same way as for the quiz slides, closer to the end of the score slide. It is recommended not to have the score slide as last slide in a course, but have at least one more slide. That way you’ll be sure that the results will be transferred to the LMS.

2024-05-21 15:51:42
2024-05-21 15:51:42

For a quiz with a passing score of 80%, is it possible to allow ONE re-take of the quiz if cpQuizInfoTotalQuizPoints is between 60-79% but NO re-take of the quiz if they score <60%?

's comment
2024-05-22 07:21:33
2024-05-22 07:21:33
's comment

From your question I can detect that you are NOT using the New version of Captivate (12)? You are using the variable name which is used in older versions. Can you confirm? Although I have posted around 50 posts about Quizzes in the older versions, this particular use case is not yet there. I have some ideas about a possible workflow but will not spend time on it before I am sure you are not using the new version. The in-depth understanding of the workflow in older versions is not transferable to the new version. Moreover the On Enter event in the Score slide has been taken out in that new version. Same is the case for the advanced and shared actions.

2023-05-29 06:42:28
2023-05-29 06:42:28

while attempting the assessment/ quiz, when the question is timed out, the module switches to content slide & if the playbar is hidden , the learner has to redo the complete course module before attempting the quiz again. Kindly help

's comment
2023-05-31 19:00:14
2023-05-31 19:00:14
's comment

Can you please post your question on the Adobe forum for Captivate. It has become very hard to answer here, since answers need to be moderated and that can take days…

2021-03-15 11:18:03
2021-03-15 11:18:03

Hi Lieve Weymeis

I’m struggling with the Continue button on the Quiz Results slide.

Have tried changing the Pass/Fail action to

  • continue
  • go to the next slide
  • jump to slide “the last slide”

But still have to push twice on the Continue button…




's comment
2021-03-15 11:28:06
2021-03-15 11:28:06
's comment

Can you insert a screenshot of the Timeline? Moreover check if you have an action On Enter for the score slide. You may also check the results master slide for any action.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2021-03-15 12:12:04
2021-03-15 12:12:04
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

Added the slide and master slide as a screenshot.

The On Enter has “Continue”


's comment
2021-03-15 12:15:47
2021-03-15 12:15:47
's comment

The 2nd screenshot…


's comment
2021-03-15 14:13:55
2021-03-15 14:13:55
's comment

There is an extra custom shape button on the master slide, which is pausing the slide at the end. That is the reason for the needed double-click. The first click will release the playhead from the result pausing point which is at 1 second (normally it should be at 1.5secs). The playhead is then paused again at the last frame because of that custom button.

If there is one of my blogs you need to read it is this one:


Know that this type of questions appear so regularly, it indicates how important it is to understand the Timeline!


Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2021-03-15 14:35:51
2021-03-15 14:35:51
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

Lieve, thanks for pointing it out. I didn’t make the master slides myself, the template was handed over to me. Thanks for pointing my attention to that pause on the button.

's comment
2021-03-15 14:53:59
2021-03-15 14:53:59
's comment

It is a theme, not a template. All shape buttons (or images used as buttons) get a pausing point by default, which will always be at the end of each slide whatever its duration. You can take the pausing out. For slides which have already an interactive object or a slide based pausing point (like D&D and Quiz/Score slides) you need to take the pausing out on the Actions tab.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2021-10-01 14:10:21
2021-10-01 14:10:21
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

Lieve, thanks for solving my problem with having to click Continue twice. I added a Retake Module button that was causing the pause. Removed the pause, good to go. Thanks again and for all you do here.

's comment
2021-10-01 14:24:50
2021-10-01 14:24:50
's comment

You’re welcome! Glad my work is useful for some of you.

2021-01-07 03:56:56
2021-01-07 03:56:56

Thank you so much for this post. I could not figure out how the learners weren’t able to see the retake button. Obviously because they clicked the review button!

's comment
2021-01-07 12:37:26
2021-01-07 12:37:26
's comment

You’re welcome. Quiz is a very popular topic also on my blog. Drag the Review button under the Retake button if you want to avoid that learners click on the Review button before having exhausted all attempts on Quiz level.

2020-10-15 07:58:59
2020-10-15 07:58:59

Hello, Lieve, thank you very much for the information,

I wanted to ask you if you think it’s possible to score a test for the student’s attempts at adobe captivate.
I’ve been trying things out but haven’t been able to do it.
I’ve seen that there’s the cpQuizInfoAttempts variable, but I don’t know where I can use it to make it work for each of the questions.
The idea is that if I have a test with two attempts, if the student succeeds on the first attempt I give him 2 points, and if he succeeds on the second attempt I give him 1 point.

Do you think this is possible?

Greetings and thank you very much in advance


maria carmenu32233869
's comment
2020-10-15 10:31:05
2020-10-15 10:31:05
maria carmenu32233869
's comment

That is not possible with the default question slides in Captivate.

The system variable cpQuizInfoAttempts is for the attempts on Quiz level, not on question level.

I have blog posts about tracking the attempts on question level,  but having a different score based on attempts is only possible if you use custom question slides. However, if you need to transfer the score to a LMS it becomes more complicated, and you’ll need to use JS or the InfoSemantics widget ‘CpExtra’ which is a very powerful HTML widget but not free.


2019-03-04 18:26:24
2019-03-04 18:26:24

I created my exam using Knowledge Check slides instead of Question slides. (I should have read your blog first!! I didn’t know the difference.) Is there a way I can change the KC slides to Question slides in this project? Or do I have to recreate the exam in a new project?

Thanks for your help!!

2019-03-04 18:22:43
2019-03-04 18:22:43

Question for you.

I originally set up an exam using Knowledge Check Slides (before I read your post & learned the difference). But, I need it to be a scored exam. Can I change the slides to Quiz Slides in this project, or do I have to create a new project and create the exam with Question Slides?

's comment
2019-03-05 08:43:39
2019-03-05 08:43:39
's comment

I have another blog post where I explain more in-depth the differences between KC slides and scored quiz slides. There is no way to convert them automatically. Moreover the so useful GIFT or CSV files cannot be used neither.

You could try to recover the content by Exporting to Word or XML and use the texts that way for GIFT or CSV (use the Excel template provided for CP2019).

You don’t need to create a new project, you can delete the KC slides and insert quiz slides. Or do one by one and copy/paste within Captivate? At least both use the same object styles and master slides.

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