February 11, 2019
Custom mouse over properties
February 11, 2019
Custom mouse over properties
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people


I’m looking to create a slide with transparent buttons over a fixed image, but when the user moves the cursor over a transparent button, the mouse cursor will change to a custom gif to indicate the area is a clickable section. Of course, I’d also like the click option to perform the next action specified as well. I’m guessing some use of JS for the mouse over command but haven’t found anything for this purpose yet (maybe along the lines of document.body.style.cursor=).


2019-02-18 08:50:49
2019-02-18 08:50:49

Could you solve the problem? It has been almost a week since I did answer your question. Would love to hear from you.

2019-02-16 08:50:01
2019-02-16 08:50:01

Please, can you tell us if the answer could help, or if you found a solution? It is nice to give feedback because other users could find your thread using the search funcitnaltuy

2019-02-12 09:07:31
2019-02-12 09:07:31

I am missing essential information: which version are you using please? Is this a non-responsive or a responsive project?

Doubt very much that you’ll need JS, but I may be misunderstanding your question.  Are you talking really about the old type ‘transparent button’ or are you using a shape button? Whatever, each button has InBuilt states since many versions. You can make the Normal state invisible (Alpha and Stoke set to zero), and fill the button with a custom image in the Rollover state. Normally a hand cursor can set to appear when hovering over the button, it could be possible ro replace that cursor as well… HTML output I presume?

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