February 18, 2019
Right-hand navigation panes not accessible via keyboard
February 18, 2019
Right-hand navigation panes not accessible via keyboard
Instructional Designer, http://ctosnnsa.org/   
Newbie 4 posts
Followers: 0 people

My Presenter project keeps getting kicked back from the 508 check.

The issues are:

  • The right-hand navigation panes don’t seem to be accessible via keyboard
  • Keyboard focus is not always apparent when tabbing through (shows on bottom nav bar and url but not on the content, is this due to it being a video?)
  • Controls are not uniquely named or don’t identify themselves and roles
  • Toggle buttons and cc’s don’t identify their status.

This is the 2nd time it as been rejected. I work for the government so these issues need to be met and I am at a loss. Any help would be appreciate. Even if Presenter is not capable it would explain a lot. I also had the same issues with Captivate, so my manager wanted me to switch to Presenter.

Thank you,


2019-02-27 14:33:50
2019-02-27 14:33:50

Thank you for your response. I switched back to Captivate. Now my project was rejected due to frames not named? Do you know if that is something that Captivate should set up, or do I need to go into the code?

's comment
2019-02-27 14:54:26
2019-02-27 14:54:26
's comment

What do you mean?  Frames have a meaning in Captivate, but I suspect they mean other objects not having an Alt name? Images etc?

2019-02-26 08:50:31
2019-02-26 08:50:31

I see that you didn’t get any answer yet. Personally I don’t use Presenter. Maybe it would be better if you posted the question in the Presenter forum, not in the portal?

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