Hi all. Â I’m hoping someone knows what is happening here. As the title of this question reads, I’m trying to understand why I can only move/re-sequence some of my Content Master Slides. I’m using Cp2019, started fresh by updating all my Global Preferences and object styles, then used the default Blank theme to begin developing my project (I saved this as a new theme name). I’ve created a number of Content Master Slides, but I can only move a few of them (the first four to be exact).
Has anyone encountered this or know of something I can check to make it so I can rearrange freely them? I can copy and paste them anywhere, and I can also start at any of the slides and create a new master slide immediately after – just can’t move them around.
Any info is helpful.
I have logged this bug months ago, but no response. It has never been possible to rearrange the quiz/score master slides, but in previous versions it was possible to rearrange content master slides. That seems now no longer possible, except for some custom master slides. Which is frustrating.
Exactly. OK, thanks for letting me know! At least it’s not just me. 🙂
You’re welcome, hope they fix it in a future patch.