March 9, 2019
Hyperlink advances page in LMS
March 9, 2019
Hyperlink advances page in LMS
Newbie 7 posts
Followers: 0 people


I published a project using Scorm 1.2 to our LMS system. The hyperlink in the project works in preview but in production it not only brings up the website but also advances the project slide. So the learner is viewing the website and listening to the next slide audio concurrently. How do I fix this.

See slide picture attached for details.

2019-03-11 09:37:59
2019-03-11 09:37:59

I think, the issue is with how the web address is written while embedding the html page.

Check and alter the way in which you have embedded web address. That is, if you have added absolute web site address, try using relative web page address.
Also check what have you selected in the option next to web address box. “current/new/parent”.
You must have unchecked the checkbox “continue playing the project” option below it.


2019-03-10 14:51:42
2019-03-10 14:51:42

Can you add the  picture, please?

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