Timing of screen recording via software simulation training development mode is off due to screen lag.
I am using adobe captivate to record software simulation training, but the software is not on a computer, it is on an app. I am using Samsung Team Viewer to control the mobile device via the PC. Only problem is that there is a lag about 25% of the time and it creates ghosting on the screen transitions. Meaning that when the mouse goes to click on something it doesn’t show what it is going to click on until the last second and then transitions to the next slide. My workaround is screen shots and updating slide backgrounds on 25% of the work. Is there a better way?
I never had to use your workflow myself. Just wanted to tell that I try whenever possible to avoid the so-called FMR slides, which are slides where mouse movement has to be recorded. In many cases that is possible. If it is not possible I stop the software sim and capture a Video Demo slide instead. Have no idea if this could also be a solution for you?
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