April 29, 2019
Javascript functions
April 29, 2019
Javascript functions
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

Hello! I’m using captivate 2019 in a project, and I’m trying to make a javascript communication of a game generated by webgl of unity, imported as “Animation in HTML5”. I want to make the communication between the game and the captivate, for example, call a function and pass parameters of the game to the captivate. Could someone give me some solution?

2019-05-06 16:15:11
2019-05-06 16:15:11

Did you find that documentation helpful? I used some functionality in games like this one:


2019-04-30 07:28:19
2019-04-30 07:28:19

Captivate is not a cloud app? I don’t understand what you mean.

You can exchange values of variables with Captivate using the API.  This help documenation is bit old but could give you a start:


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