April 8, 2019
How to put a video in a circle – it fills the whole page
April 8, 2019
How to put a video in a circle – it fills the whole page
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people


I have a circle on the center of my page and would like to insert my video to sit in that circle. Anytime I try to insert the video, it fills up the whole page. How can I accomplish what I’m trying to do? Please and thank you!


2019-04-11 22:28:36
2019-04-11 22:28:36

I believe Lieve was thinking about videos placed in web objects. They by default are the top of the stack on a slide in html5. Using a mask will work with slide video and object video in html5. When you use slide video in plays in the timeline. If you are using object video hide the skin and set the object video to auto play. I am currently using this technique in a large project.

David Burnham HBA
's comment
2019-04-12 07:17:44
2019-04-12 07:17:44
David Burnham HBA
's comment

You are correct, David, my apologies. For big videos I mostly use web object…

2019-04-09 12:34:39
2019-04-09 12:34:39

Just one problem: video is by default always on top of the stack. You need some tweaking to get the mask image over the video…. Have to try out some ideas. It is either editing an ini file, but maybe it will work with a dedicated master slide.  A workflow I described about 8 years ago, but didn’t test if it is still functional in the recent versions.

2019-04-09 11:51:23
2019-04-09 11:51:23

Captivate does not have any object you could use to create a circle and place the video inside of it.

Use Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator, and create a circle mask in png format that would overlay the video.

At one time I would have used Premiere directly and created a circle with an Alpha channel and saved out as an FLV file. However, today with html5 we are using .MP4. Unfortunately this file format does not support transparency so that approach is no longer valid.

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