June 11, 2019
Drag and drop single source
June 11, 2019
Drag and drop single source
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

Hi all,

How can you make the one drag source within the drag and drop to change states over various drop sources?  What I mean is I  have a single meter gauge that needs to show different temperatures as the users pass it over various drop objects.
Any help that can be proved would be most welcome now. I have to finish a project by the end of the day.

Thank you,

2019-06-12 11:12:33
2019-06-12 11:12:33

Hmm… based on your time requirements, I think the simplest solution would probably be to ditch the hover aspect and do something with a large meter with multiple states.

One idea might be to have one larger meter that changes states and one smaller meter that gets dragged around and placed next to each of the other objects that will cause a change  to the state of the large meter to indicate the appropriate temperature.

Another thought might be to have a single drop target with multiple drag sources. When the dragged object is placed in the target – the main meter changes – then swap out the objects as desired.


2019-06-12 07:43:26
2019-06-12 07:43:26

Drag&Drop objects have built in states but that will not be sufficient for your goal. You will need to use the Object actions which are triggered with each drag action. Not totally sure to understand the problem completely, too little details. You don’t mention the version you are using neither.

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