June 26, 2019
LMS show the learner progress bar as a Percent value 0%
Hi. I am using Adobe Captivate 2019 release 11.50.476 … I have just finished a project. I uploaded my output scorm project in the LMS (Adobe Captivate Prime). I can enter the course in the LMS . I dont have any problem of it. But When I exit the course. LMS show the learner progress bar as a Percent value 0% or If I finished the course LMS show the learner progress bar as a Percent value 100 %. I have tried a lot of thing. But I didn’t get result… Please help…
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2019-07-02 08:14:18
Were you able to solve the problem, maybe by editing the Reporting options, and/or by adding a slide after the Results slide, which the learner has to click before he can exit the course?
2019-06-27 07:17:57
Can you show a screenshot of the Reporting dialog box,
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