June 5, 2019
Published Project to MP4 – Slides Advance Automatically, My Bottons Work but Project advances without having to click on button
June 5, 2019
Published Project to MP4 – Slides Advance Automatically, My Bottons Work but Project advances without having to click on button
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

Help!  When I preview my project , the next buttons that I added work and the project doesn’t advance automatically.  However, when I publish the project the buttons work but the slides advance automatically not requiring the learner to click next.  I appreciate any help.



2019-06-07 20:34:55
2019-06-07 20:34:55

Thank you for your help and for my ignorance!  Always learning!  Thanks again!

's comment
2019-06-08 07:46:04
2019-06-08 07:46:04
's comment

No problem whatsoever. Many CP users do ignore the difference between interactive projects and the pure passive video! To add to the confusion, there is now also interactive video….

2019-06-06 07:35:58
2019-06-06 07:35:58

Video (mp4) is a purely passive medium, you never will have interactivity in video: no buttons, no Text Entry boxes. You are limited to the control panel of the media player which will include Play/Pause, maybe fast forward, ….

You talk about Preview: that is not showing a video preview, but a preview either of a SWF or a HTML output.

2019-06-06 05:01:35
2019-06-06 05:01:35

Not quite sure we understand, as you said in the subject (title) that you  are publishing to MP4 , which is a video file, so no buttons will work at all?

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