June 17, 2019
Text Caption typing reversed
June 17, 2019
Text Caption typing reversed
Adobe Captivate Specialist
Newbie 22 posts
Followers: 2 people

In Adobe Captivate 11.5 in a responsive project, when I select an image and open the Object State > add a custom state > and then add a Text Caption – when I click on the text caption and start typing it types it in reverse.  For example when I type Cat it puts “C” then to the LEFT it puts the “a” and then to the left of the “a” it puts the “t”.  Why?

I did Undo and tried again, same thing.  Yet, as you can see from this post, my computer is set up for typing left to right, not right to left.

I exited State View and added a Text Caption to the slide – same problem, it is putting my text right to left.

I clicked in a slide then Shapes > Smart Shape > click to type text – same problem, it is putting any text that I type right to left.

I tried a different font – same problem.

Why is it doing this?  How do I prevent Captivate from doing this?

I closed the project without saving and reopened the same project – same problem.

I closed the project and opened a new responsive project – problem FIXED for a new project.

So the real questions are – why did it put my typing in reverse?  Once it starts typing in reverse how do you get it to stop typing in reverse?  Did it just destroy my whole project???

2019-06-18 16:54:35
2019-06-18 16:54:35

Hi all, I tried to put the file here – it won’t work.

I zipped it using Windows and tried uploading it – “Invalid content” when I try uploading it to the original post. Same when I tried the .cptx file.

So then I tried creating a new comment, like this one, and adding the .cptx file to it.  It said it was uploaded.  But then when I click post – no error message and just sits there.  The file is 115,221 kb unzipped or 104,982 kb zipped, well within the size guidelines.

I don’t care about the file.  What I care about is how to prevent the problem in the future on other files that matter, or knowing how to fix the file if it happens in the future.

Pamela Pierce
's comment
2019-06-18 17:24:00
2019-06-18 17:24:00
Pamela Pierce
's comment

You can insert a published, zipped output file in post, but not a cptx-file.

Did you check what Gaanf suggested? Did you clean Preferences?

2019-06-18 08:36:44
2019-06-18 08:36:44

Could it be that you have those options in the screenshot ticked by mistake (or had them ticked when you created the project)?


's comment
2019-06-18 16:44:57
2019-06-18 16:44:57
's comment

Great suggestion!  Unfortunately it didn’t solve the problem.

2019-06-18 07:12:16
2019-06-18 07:12:16

I have 11.5 installed (Windows version), cannot reproduce this issue. Did you try to clean the preferences, something which you also needed to do when installing the update.

2019-06-18 06:52:53
2019-06-18 06:52:53


Apologies for the inconvenience. We couldn’t see the issue at our end. Please share your project with us, we will look into it and try to help you.


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