June 18, 2019
Trying without success to use slides instead of “Correct Captions” and “Failure Messages” in my quiz.
June 18, 2019
Trying without success to use slides instead of “Correct Captions” and “Failure Messages” in my quiz.
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I have made two slides to replace the “Correct Captions” and “Failure Messages” in my quiz. They have animated gifs and are far more flexible than the built-in messaging on quiz slides. The correct one works fine. I have “On Success” set to “Jump to slide” right before the next question.

The failure slide works also but is based on the quiz question’s “Last Attempt.” This works fine, except I need to return the user to the question and let them choose the correct answer. However, once returned they are locked out from choosing a different answer or even clicking submit, because they have reached their “Last Attempt”. Is there a way to reset each slide individually? I know I can have them retake it from the “Quiz Results” slide, but don’t want them to have to retake the whole quiz.

I managed to increment the cpQuizInfoMaxAttemptsOnCurrentQuestion system variable using JavaScript, but that didn’t get me anywhere. The answers and submit button are still locked out.

Thanks for any help you can offer.

mark whitney

2019-06-24 16:47:38
2019-06-24 16:47:38

It seems to let the user change the answer so long as it is set to “Infinite Attempts.”

I’ve struggled to keep it neat and tidy, so I hope it won’t be too difficult to update. I have a correct/wrong side for each question which is a bit redundant, but it seems clearer and easier to deal with that using an image fill in the feedback captions, which is how I started. I thought about only having one correct answer slide (they are all the same), but it would involve something more complicated than go to next/previous slide for my actions.

BTW, thanks for helping me think this all through.

2019-06-21 21:58:52
2019-06-21 21:58:52

I’ve found a solution.

I’ve used multiple-choice quiz questions with true/false as the answers. I set the wrong answer for each question using the “Advance Answer Option” to go to corresponding “wrong answer” slides. The wrong answer slides have checkboxes, which reveal a continue button when clicked. The continue buttons return to the question slides which are set to “Infinite Attempts” with “On Success” set to go to “correct answer” slides.

Mark –

's comment
2019-06-22 07:56:41
2019-06-22 07:56:41
's comment

Fine that you found the Advansed Answer option, but the problem remains that the learner will expect to be able to change the answer, and that is impossible once the quiz slide is left. You ca use the Advanced Answer feature also to show a different feedback ON the quiz slide for each given answer.

I don’t know if this project will need upgrades or editing in the future, could be a tough job.

2019-06-18 07:10:15
2019-06-18 07:10:15

Lot more is possible in tweaking the quiz slides. You have chosen a workflow that may only be fully functional with custom questions, not with the default question slides.

Maybe you should read my sequence of blogs in this community: have written 5 to explain the default setup (you need to read the Submit Process), and 6 about tweaking the default setup.

Once a quiz slide is left, the answers are frozen. You want remediation, which is possible, but also only with the default design, not with your workflow.

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