June 25, 2019
xAPI Loads fails after a second update of the content
June 25, 2019
xAPI Loads fails after a second update of the content
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people


I am new to using xAPI and have only started after the Upgrade 2 to Captivate 2019.  So it may be a dumb question.

I created a project and published it as xAPI.  The first time I loaded it to the LMS (litmos) it was OK.  The settings were as in the image except as version 1.0.

I made changes and published again as Version 1.1

It failed in the LMS as it basically said the manifest already existed.

Here is the tincan.xml contents that seems to miss information on the Version I am thinking.

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″ ?>
<tincan xmlns=”http://projecttincan.com/tincan.xsd”>
<activity id=”http://LOVC_AAA” type=”http://adlnet.gov/expapi/activities/course”>
<name>How to think like a modeller</name>
<description lang=”en-US”>How to think like a modeller</description>
<launch lang=”en-US”>index_TINCAN.html</launch>

Am I seeing a bug here or is it something else.  If I do SCORM it works OK.

Any help appreciated.

2019-06-26 20:00:22
2019-06-26 20:00:22

Are you working in Captivate 2019 version This is the most current version.

eLearning Brothers
's comment
2019-07-02 11:26:11
2019-07-02 11:26:11
eLearning Brothers
's comment

Yes, in the latest version.  In the meantime have gone to SCORM and not Tincan.  Will retest at some point with SCORM Cloud but have commitments to meet so have delayed further testing

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