July 24, 2019
Captivate (Newest Update)
July 24, 2019
Captivate (Newest Update)
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 1 people

Good morning,

I can’t seem to find anything on this forum regarding this error. We use Captivate 2019 for work everyday and it keeps corrupting my files. I have reinstalled it, purged all captivate files, and installed it on new machines to no avail. Not only do I get these errors, but it also keeps me from publishing, viewing the content in HTML5 or even previewing it in the native viewer.

2019-07-26 14:37:24
2019-07-26 14:37:24

In addition, when this happens with one file it happens to all other local files as well. I’ll close the current project I’m working on and grab older projects to test. As we speak, my senior designer just ran into this issue as well. She is running everything from the C: documents/mycaptivateprojects folder. She was trying to duplicate an object in a state. Sometimes this corrupts the files completely where she loses entire projects.

's comment
2019-07-26 14:39:11
2019-07-26 14:39:11
's comment

Did you see my recent reply about ‘Run as Administrator’?

As for what you did when reinstalling… Did you ever clear Preferences? It as needed when installing this update as well.

2019-07-26 14:31:15
2019-07-26 14:31:15

Yes, this issue happens when I run everything locally; cache, publish, and opening the files. We do run Macafee on our machines (we are holding some very sensitive data).

's comment
2019-07-26 14:35:38
2019-07-26 14:35:38
's comment

Is it possible just for testing to deactivate McAfee? I remember having issues in the past with that virus scanner and some applications.

Are you on Windows? Do you run CP with ‘Run as Administrator’ setting?

2019-07-25 06:34:52
2019-07-25 06:34:52

Is Captivate installed on your system, not on a networked drive? Do not forget to check the paths in Preferences both for ‘Publish at ‘ and ‘Cache files’. Both need to point to folders on your system, never to a networked or external drive. Make sure you don’t have a roaming profile.

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