Since upgrading to the new release when I batch export my images from captivate to a folder, the file extension is missing so I can not run a batch conversion in PhotoShop. Any idea of how to get the file extensions back?
Do you mean ‘solution’? Or are you indeed talking about the resolution of the images?
Personally I never lose the extension of the images when exporting from a Captivate library. As you can see in the thread, the original person asking this question never answered my questions.
Why ‘resolution’? I am not a native English speaker but resolution to me is linked to ppi and size in pixels.
I just double-checked in version and was able to export a Backgroundx.bmp image without any issues. I prefer to export them as PNG files, but if you prefer bmp, not problem. Whty do you say that it is not possible?
Solution and resolution to a problem are the same thing in English. Our words can be so confusing! When I saw which version you are using I updated mine. It turns out it was a bug in version 11.5.043. Once I updated it works again. I am curious though how you export them directly to a .png file.
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