Anyone else got this one: Windows 10, Latest Chrome set to default browser.
Any suggestions appreciated
Thanks for the feedback, David. I had issues with one system as well, had to Clean the Preferences a couple of times and delete the Layouts. Lot has changed for themes, could have been linked to that. But still, astonishing that it didn’t happen on a second system. I still keep a third with version 11.0.1 because of the bookmarking issue which is a real show stopper for clients.
How do you like the new UI of the portal. For me it has become impossible to find new questions at all. Not only there is not a ‘recent posted’ group anymore, but question as type has disappeared, they are in between the discussions which do not have a filter (as before) with Newest first. Very sad about that, but will start to push users back to the Jive forums, with their problems. In this portal has become impossible to help other users with problems. Notifications fall in my inbox, but the link cannot be opened in Chrome…
What is your experience?
Lieve I think that Adobe has made it into a marketing site, for software sales, certificate sales, webinars and marketing Ms Jasingh videos.
I find it very hard to find things. The blog concept would work if we all understood the taxonomy used to create it but that is not the case. Users who don’t know what they are looking for (the benefit of a general question section) will probably not find it very helpful.
For a user trying to get an answer to a question or benefit from peer experience it would appear to most difficult.
I agree that the forums may need to replace this elearning portal to get answers to questions for users etc., but Adobe has done a good job marketing this portal as where to get info for Captivate so people may stick with it regardless if it doesn’t fully meet their needs.
I have helped pushing users to the portal, still hoping that a community would develop here, but my hope is now very low. Too much control: most popular ‘discussions’ based on what? I know perfectly well which threads are most popular in the Jive forums: complaints by Mac users about slowness on retina screens, and complaints by the minority of users who have problems with the Replace fonts dialog, but don’t understand anything about typography nor themes (which have never been presented at any summit, although I have suggested this since many years).
There used to be a synchronization between Jive forums and this portal, but that is broken since the previous change in UI.
Search is very important in site with so much documentation. However users looking for a quick answer to an ‘urgent’ problem are not well served with moderation which can take days (up till 4) and then their questions disappear in ‘discussions’. Tags are the way to search but many wrong tags are added to blogs, questions…. Same with topic titles. In the Jive forums, I am a moderator, try to correct wrong topic titles, add or delete tags, block spam…
I need to put my priority again in Jive forums and on my personal blog. Blogs here just get lost….
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