A Periodic Table of Elements that has a small puzzle built into it.
I know these Periodic Tables are a dime a dozen on the Internet today – most of which will put this one to shame – but once upon a time I taught high school chemistry so this table holds a special place in my heart. Many years ago, I crafted a periodic table using Flash MX2004 where all you had to do was hover over the elements to get the information. Well, I guess it was time to redo that anyway. No hovering with this one. I wanted it to be a bit more tablet friendly so you need to click or tap on each one.
That said… we have two things going on here.
- The Periodic Table
- Room Escape Puzzle

The Table
This was not what I would consider a difficult project but it was very time consuming. There are 118 elements which means 118 boxes for them. Each element has two information panels that animate when you select an element. These panels have information about the element. So that means 118 different left panels and 118 different right panels.
The left and right panels are actually just two panels with 118 states each.
Researching all the data on the elements took time as well. I only did a proton, neutron, and electron count – so nothing really fancy here.
Since all the element boxes are buttons that essentially perform the same actions – I created several functions and had them execute onEnter to the slide.
Then I call on them with the buttons. This allowed me to make one button with all the code on it and then replicate 117 copies.
Since each element has a different atomic number and information to go with it, I created a variable called atomic and used it in my functions to swap out the states for the information panels. That function basically looks like this:
function changeInfo() {
I named all the states for the elements using the word info along with the atomic number such that info1 was for Hydrogen, info2 for Helium, etc. This allowed me to use concatenation to easily bring up the correct information panels.
The Puzzle
You all like a good puzzle, right? Remember the sliding tile game? This one has a prize too. Can you get it?
I guess you could say that I have added a new “element” to this table.
In the actual Room Escape – the puzzle part will be presented a bit differently but you can perhaps get the gist of the puzzle.
Thank you. I am glad to hear you are finding some value from them.
I find that with Captivate – we are only limited by our imaginations. While some things may be extremely complex to create, the possibility is still there for those who are not afraid to learn and are willing to put in the professional development time. The payoff is grand!
Thanks, Wayne.
Actually – kids should be able to access it now if given the link so long as the district is not blocking the amazon s3 stuff. I suppose someone would have to give it a try and it would likely vary by district.
I used to have a blog – several of them actually, and even a YouTube channel – well – I technically still have them I guess, but I find it difficult to keep them up. I always struggle with what to post so have let them slide.
Great job, Greg! Certainly a use case where I would have turned to JS as well.
For the ‘buttons’ I would have use SVG’s, created quickly as assets in a AI file. Always crisp. You can use them now directly as buttons in 11.5.
About your blog, I have problems to decide which blog to create first… have always too much ideas. I have a Youtube and a Vimeo channel, but I’m not a great fan of video as learning asset.
Nice work Greg. I think you need to post it on a blog or something so kids can access it. I will show my boys later today when I get home as I think it is a wonderful study aid. If you do post it let me know I will send it over to their science teacher.
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