Hey there,
I set up a Breakpoint Responsive eLearning Project and the parent (desktop) to child (tablet) to grandchild (mobile) relationship works totally fine UNTIL I change something on one of the “offspring” portraits. After that moment, whenever I change something on the desktop breakpoint e.g. add a new button, it doesn’t automatically appear on the tablet and mobile portraits anymore. I have to copy paste it manually. Depending on the changes this is a lot of work.
Is there any chance that I can re-relate the different breakpoints “bottom-up”, like have a family reunion?
And no, we don’t want to work with fluid boxes, thanks
Thanks a lot!
No, breakpoint views have been designed that way. You should first finish the Primary view, which leads to inheritance, than edit the lower breakpoints. I seriously doubt that this will ever change in the future, since this way of designing a responsive project (with a lot more control to the developer) is almost ignored since the more limited Fluid Boxes workflow appeared with CP2017.
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