Hello Captivaters !…
This time, I want to share with you my experience concerning the measurements of lengths with Captivate.
With a simple drag, it’s easy to drag a ruler and make measurements of a segment. But if the segment is not horizontal, we have to rotate the ruler…
I tried many times to drag and rotate an object with Captivate, but so far, I never managed to do it correctly on a leftop as on mobile devices.
Using all the advises found on the Captivate Forum, and as my knowledge of Captivate increases, I finally do this :
The ruler is in fact a multi-states object. Each state represents the ruler, with a rotation of 10°.
The trick is that the image of the ruler must be a square (or you will have distortion of the object)… with a transparent background. (in green on this image)
(The project on the web is here : http://soutien67.fr/math/activites/longueur/Longueurs_E03/index.html
Happy Captivating !…
Hello !…
you have first to create a multistate object (the ruler).
Each state of this multistate object represents the ruler with a rotation of 10° (or whatever you like !…)… (see the advices in the previous post).
Then I just add butons and give them the action to “go to the previous (or next) state“ to simulate the rotation.
And that’s it !…
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