My two previous posts about QSP slide focus was on non-responsive projects
The QSP projects have also a responsive version, created with the Fluid Boxes workflow. For those projects there is an extra difficulty: how will the fluid boxes – both on master slides and slides – behave? I will only try to explain that particular feature, and how you can avoid problems. I hope you have read the two previous articles – for the basic knowledge. First recommendation ‘NEVER’ use the switch to Destination theme for a Fluid Boxes project when inserting a QSP slide in a custom project.
Master slides – Tips
All responsive QSP projects have a lot of master slides with fluid boxes setup. They are not at all similar to the setup for the non-responsive projects with the same name. As you may have deducted from my previous posts, it is important to check the name of the master slide used for an embedded QSP slide. If the same name has been used in the receiving (destination) project, you have to be very careful. For your use I have created a table comparing Master slide names used in the 5 available QSPs (at this moment: September 2019). You can download the pdf (was quite a lot of work to create it, please show respect for the protection built in).
You can see that I have marked some cells:
- If the same master slide name is used twice in the QSP, both numbers have been indicated in red on a grey background. This is a very worrying situation, not sure why the developers did use dual names.
- Some master slide names appear in several QSPs. If they are identical they are bold and red. Italic names point to master slides similar to others, but with a slightly different name.
I didn’t include the quizzing master slides. They rarely have been edited a lot (except for the Results slide) and follow the rules I explained in this older post ‘Quiz Slides and Fluid Boxes‘. You could extend the table with the master slide names in your project if you try to embed QSP slides in a company project with an existing theme.
Even master slides with same name, can have a totally different Fluid Boxes setup. Have a look at the fluid boxes setup for the Master slide ‘Objectives’ which exists in Aspire, League and Wired.
This is a pretty simple setup as you can see. The slide ‘Course Objectives’ which is based on this master slide didn’t add supplementary fluid boxes. There are 4 objectives, but in one FB.
Lot more Fluid Boxes in this master slide. FB_956 and FB_957 have been collapsed, similar to FB_955. Three objectives here. Slide ‘Objectives’ doesn’t have extra Fluid boxes.
Impossible to show the full setup for this master slides. The collapsed FB’s at the bottom each have 5 vertical fluid boxes. No extra FB’s in the slide ‘Objective’. Here 5 objectives are included.
You can imagine what happens when you switch to another theme from another QSP with such a slide. Just one screenshot as example: applied the Wired theme to the Aspire slide:
Not only are the objectives not getting into the appropriate FB, the green text is not in a Fluid box at all. You will have to move them manually in fluid boxes, and probably delete a lot of (empty) fluid boxes. But that is not possible on the slide itself, can only be done on the master slide.
For responsive project to brand embedded QSP slide, please follow the step-by-step plan to add a fitting Master slide to the project theme, as described in ‘Embed QSP slides‘. Double-check the name of the Master slide, if it is an existent name in your project, first edit that name in the QSP theme. That way you will avoid a disaster like I showed above with master slides using the same name.
Feel free to use the pdf I provided with an overview of master slide names for the present responsive QSPs. Beware: there may still be typos, please report them.