September 2, 2019
Is it possible to integrate voice-recognition as a processing unit?
September 2, 2019
Is it possible to integrate voice-recognition as a processing unit?
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

My title is perhaps ambiguous as I lacked exact technical terminologies; however, what I meant above was that: in terms of interactive quiz and test slides, are we able to process the voice input from the users using voice-recognition provided by a third party (for example google)? Then what the core system would receive was Text processed and put into word sending from that third-party. Finally, it should finish the whole sequence by in-house by comparing the received text and feedback the result on what certain words or phrases mispronounced. We are doing language blending course in Vietnam.

2021-02-24 01:39:06
2021-02-24 01:39:06

interested to know if you managed to add voice recognition to your captivate project ??

2019-09-04 22:11:33
2019-09-04 22:11:33

Actually I have done this using Google’s Cloud Speech-to-Text API.

It worked pretty well. I presented at a conference… I think Adobe’s in 2018….

2019-09-03 07:37:25
2019-09-03 07:37:25

I’m sorry but the answer so far is negative. Once in a while this request appears in the forum, but I haven’t seen an answer explaining how to use third party software in collaboration with Captivate for this purpose.

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