how to add more than one rollover image to one slide.
I need to add multiple rollover images to a project on one “slide.” I have the first one there, but when I go to create the second one, I cannot move it to the area of the screen I want it to be. Is there a trick to adding more than one rollover image. I actually need several on this slide. Thanks.
Here is the link to the blog:
I hope you are aware of the fact that rollover image will not work on mobile devices? It is listed also under the unsupported items in the HTML Tracker (Project menu).
Can you explain your question? Do you want to have multiple images appearing when rolling over one item on the slide? In that case use a shape button and add the images to the Rollover state. I will post a link to a blog where I explained some ways to mimick rollover for Fluid Boxes projects where rollovers cannot even be added. Will post the link in a separate comment – it may need moderation.
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