October 16, 2019
Branching in Captivate 2019
October 16, 2019
Branching in Captivate 2019
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

Hello everyone,

I am trying to create branching for the first time in Captivate 2019 without using advanced actions. I have followed the instructions shown on the ‘simplified branching workflow’ video (branching slide, naming convention, no action buttons, etc). I cannot get the branching right. Is there anything else that we need to be aware of when creating branches?

Thanks very much.


2020-03-06 18:17:51
2020-03-06 18:17:51

Is there a limit on the size of the project or the amount of questions you can use in branching scenarios?  I have a huge software based simulation with multiple click’s testing the user’s ability to navigate the software.  I have 2 groups of users – so I created 2 branches, and 2 groups.  buttons and groups are named exactly the same, (i.e. InpatientProviders and EDProviders).  there are about 10 software simulated scenarios in each section.  I’m using simple “jump to slide” navigation from the buttons.  The HTML preview will not play at all.  The SWF preview works for the first group, but not the second group.  Not sure what I am doing wrong….


's comment
2020-03-06 19:52:00
2020-03-06 19:52:00
's comment

There is no real limit (only possible issues with low bandwidth for smooth playing). But I am confused now, it is the first time you speak about quiz branching.  Are you perhaps not talking about simple branching but about Branch aware, a project in which the learner can choose a branch and will be tested only on that branch.

What did you want to show with the screenshot?

2019-10-18 23:02:08
2019-10-18 23:02:08

Make sure you use the exact name conventions include upper or lower case letters as well.

2019-10-17 15:17:14
2019-10-17 15:17:14

Something must go awry, since it works when I tested it quite a while ago. Did you edit anything from the present setup?

2019-10-17 07:53:02
2019-10-17 07:53:02

Did you indeed use the naming conventions, taking into account that names are case sensitive? I never use that scenario myself, want more control but that is something you may have overlooked.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2019-10-17 14:24:22
2019-10-17 14:24:22
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

Hi! I have paid particular attention to case sensitivity.  I am a bit disappointed as was looking forward to not having to use advanced actions to create branching.

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