Weekly e-learning challenges for Captivate?
I’m posting while attending DevLearn 2019, and I’ve already attended 2 sessions on design that feature amazing prototypes from the Articulate E-Learning Heroes community. I was wondering if something similar existed here, for Captivate users? I’m tempted to learn Articulate so I can participate in those challenges, but I would prefer to devote my energy toward honing my design skills with Captivate.
If this already exists, please point me there; if not, is there any interest? Thanks!
Hey Everyone!
People have been asking for these and we are on the third one now.
Let’s hop on board and submit your responses to these challenges!
Get those creative juices flowing – c’mon!
Here is the link for the next one.
I love this idea. I participate in the Daily Creative Challenges for Illustrator and XD whenever I can – I am just trying to improve my skills there. I have always wanted something for Captivate, though daily is definitely too much. Is it possible to keep this going? Perhaps one per month would be great!
So I decided to take the initiative and try to get the ball rolling. Here is my first challenge to the community and hopefully the winner, as voted by the community, will continue to run with it. https://elearning.adobe.com/2019/10/captivating-elearning-challenge-001/
Is there a law against having fun? All I’ve done is put a challenge to share an eLearning project with the rest of the community. This friendly competition is only in the spirit of trying to get some engagement. There is no implied prize other than bragging rights and the material is shared within the community by the users’ own free will.
I appreciate the effort, Paul.
The problem as I see it is that this is more like a ghost town than a thriving community.
Lots of people drive through and check it out but no one sticks around save a few. It doesn’t help that I posted my submission on Thursday – and it is now Sunday – my post has not appeared. That is why I tried to post a link to the preview but I am not sure if others can see it or not.
It is ridiculous that people should have to wait several days to see change. I have found little reason to come since the most recent update. I used to reasonably count on new postings each morning for me as moderation took place overnight where I am. (I think once a day is too little, myself) However, I cannot count on that anymore either.
I think it is great that we have a “community” but I admit that I am ready to move. Sad part is that there really isn’t anywhere to go.
Greg, no moderation has happened since Wednesday morning. Probably because they think that the whole world is absent because of the US hype about Halloween.
Personally I have put a lot of effort trying to help building this community, but agree at this moment with your definition of ‘ghost town’. I feel especially sad about all the questions waiting for moderation. Can only recommend not to post questions (they call it discussions, which is cynical IMO) here anymore, please go to the Adobe forums. There moderation is 24/7. Although with the new platform there are other issues there as well (used to moderate there, but now it is ‘automatic’.)
Ha ha – as a US citizen myself, someone should fill me in on the hype. Perhaps more is going on in other places – US is a big place – but it is nothing more than about three hours of handing out candy where I live. Even all the haunted houses or other scary activities if you can call them that wrap up a few days early. I remember way more stuff going on when I was a kid.
It would seem silly to me to neglect moderation simply because of some half attended activity in another country.
Actually – come December it will have been two years.
In June of 2018 – we were told that it would only be a couple more weeks. They had been waiting for the ability to upload projects which does work just fine it seems to me. The problem is that we can barely get decent moderation of the site much less a committed facilitator of community events.
Follow the thread here.
It was about a year ago I brought this up with the Cp staff and in discussion I think it was the limitations of the forum, the updates the this site and how submissions would be entered. But I still think it’s a worthwhile exercise for Adobe to run with this as it builds engagement
Indeed David. I regret very much that all efforts to build a community here that will engage and inspire Captivate users, seems not to be important at all for Adobe. IMO it is really a missed chance… Since 25th October early in the morning, nothing has happened in this portal. That means that no moderation has occurred in 3 days!
Yeah – I once waited a full week before a posting I did was moderated and made visible. As excited as I would also be about some sort of challenge each week – I admit that I would have some skepticism about how long it would last before it was forgotten.
It would be interesting to me to compare the number of Articulate users to the number of Captivate users worldwide. I have always used Captivate myself but when it comes to being a participant in someone else’s training, while I have never used it, I do recognize an Articulate project when I am faced with one and those are by far the ones I see the most.
Greg, you would be surprised. Have no numbers here, but the amount of Captivate licenses in the world is a lot bigger than those from all concurrents. It is only that the Articulate community is much better supported by staff members (who also travel to user’s days), whereas that is not the case for Adobe. They are a lot more ‘visible’ indeed.
There was talk about Adobe adding such a feature to the Adobe eLearning Community about a year ago and nothing materialized. My advice would be to start something like this yourself or respond to the eLearning Heroes Community with your own Captivate interpretation right here on the Adobe eLearning Community.
It would be great to have this for Captivate! I just started using Articulate in a new role and there are so many free resources. Users share their project files to download and play with. I wish the same existed here for Captivate, as I still use it for freelance. I don’t think Articulate would kick you out if you made your eLearning heroes challenge submission in Captivate. It’s more about thinking about things in a new way and sharing with others.
Kari, I think you used the operative words in your post “free resources” and “users share project files”. This sort of goes against the grain for Adobe. As witnessed with the revisions to this site, IMO it has simply become a marketing vehicle for Adobe to sell training and software. Adobe is a profit minded company first – user centric second. The only ray of light is people like Lieve Weymeis and Rob Ward who give freely of their time and resources to help the community – they have been doing it for over 10 years. Both Lieve through her blog and answers of the forum and Rod through his technical knowledge. They are “Free Resources” who I think Adobe should acknowledge and say a big thank you at every conference and event they sponsor! Adobe has no staff member who can hold a candle to these two.
I am very sorry to have to tell you that it doesn’t exist in the Captivate community. Totally agree that the Articulate community is a lot better structured and engaging than ‘our’ community. Since this portal was installed I have spend at least one hour a day trying to help it build, and so did other Captivate users. Without more engagement from staff members (which is the case for Articulate) however this did nor will ever lead to a community. Can just tell you that I am very, very sad about it.
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