I built a captivate project with adobe animate OAM files in the slides. This allows me to have more advanced animation like I used to have in Flash. While the OAM in the slides are running fine, the issue I’m having is the transition between the slides, it goes blank before it shows the next slide after you select the next button. Normally you wouldn’t get the blank screen and the transition would be smooth from one slide to the next after selecting the next button if the animation was built in Captivate. Could the issue be the OAM is having to load before starting to play? Does anyone know how to fix this or get rid of blank transitioning between the slides when using a OAM files on the slides?
Due to that OAM format, it feels like it has to be recomposed (it is a script after all) bit same way as with SVGs as image format. Effects do not suffer in the same way, that is why I suggested them. I create a lot of custom effects and/or apply them by advanced/shared actions. You seem to tell that you have blank screen even with effects? Do you have very long slides? Try to avoid those, especially when they also have audio clips. Splitting up slides often solves that type of problems, and the learner doesn’t have to feel that content is spread.
Yes, your suspicion is correct. The OAM has to load On enter for the slide and that can cause the problem you see. Did you try not to put the OAM at the first frame, but bit later? Moreover, do not estimate the power of Effects in Captivate. You have to reflect: is the more complicated animation really so important for the learning effect?
Thank you for letting me know. Yes, I did try moving the OAM animation later in the timeline and tried the effects too it didn’t solve the issue the blank screen just comes up later. This is a heavy visual course with a mix of simulation in it. Its what the client wants and not your basic course.