December 23, 2019
Audio Recording Issues
December 23, 2019
Audio Recording Issues
Newbie 5 posts
Followers: 0 people

I am trying to add narration to my slides and I get an audible hum on playback.

Looking for suggestions on settings to use and/or what headset/microphone combination works best.


2020-01-03 14:59:02
2020-01-03 14:59:02

I just recorded extensively for the last week and found the same issue. I don’t generally record directly into Captivate and I haven’t used the particular microphone that I’m using right now, so I’m interested that you’ve experienced the same thing.

Set up wise: I prefer to record into Audacity (Windows) or Audition (Mac or Windows) in one long recording. Then I run over that entire file all of the effects/compression that I want. Then I extract out the audio for each slide and import it into Captivate.

I use Blue brand microphones. My fancy set up is a Yeti and my home (recent recordings) is a Snowball. I also have a desktop soundbooth and a pop filter.

I assumed that it was the suboptimal conditions where I recorded this week that things didn’t sound good. I plan on doing better audio with the update of the course in six months or so. Is anyone else recording directly into Captivate? Is there an issue with the 2019 update?

2020-01-01 10:00:43
2020-01-01 10:00:43

This is a very broad question. I would first of all recommend to have a look at the environment when recording the narration: it should be as quiet as possible, because I suspect the ‘hum’ is background noise. To eliminate it from an existing audio clip, you can use a dedicated Audio application. I am using Adobe Audition which is part of the Creative cloud, but a free tool like Audacity can do the same.

As for the ‘best combination’.. is very individual and depends on budget and personal preferences.  I have a USB Shure microphon and a Shure head microphon, but sometimes also use a high-level headset from Plantronics (especially for software recording). But I am a musician, and female, both Shure microphons are very well suited for my voice and my flute.

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