Any ideas how to overcome Flash in Captivate now that it’s being phased out by most browsers
Can the collective please help – How do I overcome the Flash issue in Captivate?
I’ve just tried to preview a course I’ve been building,to be told that Rollover Captions don’t work in HTML5.
With a bit of digging through the blogs I’ve found a suitable work around, but this has got me wondering if there are other other objects and interactions that only work with Flash Player – which my customers won’t install – don’t go there!
Any thoughts or suitable links would be very appreciated.
Thank you to and Happy Holidays.
Henry J.
I also had questions about Flash, rollovers, and HTML5, so to add to this conversation, I found a site which gave some answers and guided examples on using Flash rollovers and mobile devices. I hope this information is helpful.
Slide transitions and Text animations are two features which will not work in HTML5 output. Use only Learning Interactions, no widgets from the Gallery. I also tend to replace FMR slides in software sims by Video Demo slides. Of course SWF animations nor FLV video will work. On the opposite side there are several recent features which will only work in HTML5 output.
There are more limitations for Fluid Boxes projects, but I don’t think you are pointing at that type of projects.
It would be ideal to have a tool that converted Full Motion Recording slides that are swf to mp4 and reinsert instead of having this occur in publishing. I have to do course maintenance and would like to replace any instances that reference a swf file.
Rollover caption and Image will work on HTML5 output, but only on desktop/laptop browsers because they have real rollovers with mouse or trackpad. That is not the case for mobile devices.
There is a HTML tracker, but it will not indicate all possible problems. The only way to do that is to check with Preview HTML in Browser (for non-responsive projects the only preview method using HTML temporary output). If you see problems, it may also be the case after publishing.
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