we are currently trying to get our styles and masterslides into a .cptm, however we would like to import already existiting styles from Adobe InDesign. Is there any way to do this?
Thanks in advance
Themes are the most underestimated core feature in Captivate, as you will see in most books, manuals and training (often even giving bad advice). Here is the link: to the reference document:
There is no real collaboration workflow between ID and CP as there is between PS and CP, AI and CP, AU and CP (sorry for all the abbreviations). I understand the reason since I plunged a lot into the topic of themes. Object styles in Captivate are totally different from those in a desktop publisher as Framemaker or InDesign (which are aimed in the first place to print output). Captivate has only ‘Object Styles’, there are no Text style which you can use in objects, there are no paragraph styles, no nested style etc.. So the answer for styles is clearly no. Styles in ID have more possibilities than in CP. Have a workaround for text styles… On top of that the concept of InBuilt states which exist for interactive objects in CP and can be embedded in object styles is unknown in ID.
As for master slides it is the contrary, master slides in Captivate have a lot more functionality than in ID. You can have interactive objects, advanced actions on master slides. Moreover for responsive projects (something totally unknown in ID) you have the Fluid Boxes setup or for Breakpoints the typical object styles for different font sizes.
Difference is very clear to me. Main goal of ID is to have nicely formatted text, main goal of an eLearning tool (CP) is interactivity and managing of all types of assets, where text is not the most important asset. If you know how cumbersome and limited the toolset for interactivity in ID is, compared with CP you will understand.
I have posted a reference document with all the blogs I wrote about Themes. Will post the link in a separate comment. If you want more details, don’t hesitate.
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