Captivate decline to integrate video into my project
Hi there!
Here is my problem:
Adobe Captivate decline to integrate any video format into my projects (video slides, event video or youtube).
I’ve a message which propose to convert my video file into a flash format (FLV or F4V), the source file is in MP4.
The process of conversion is no end… So I cancel it.
This is very strange because I never had this kind of bug before.
I update captivate, but nothing is better.
Here some screenshoot below:
As you can see, I use video into this project before, The message in the middle, and the conversion process very strange.
Here the message..
If you have an idea to resolve this bug.. I guess I’ve to uninstall and install again captivate…
Or give it a christmas gift
Thank’s in advance for the help.
Kind regards,
Bonne Année, Christophe. Quelle version? Avez-vous essayé d’exécuter CleanPreferences après l’update?
Il faut un vidéo en format MP4. Si vous utilisez un autre format, converter avec Adobe Media Encoder, application qui est inclus dans l’installation de Captivate.
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