January 23, 2020
9:16 Images to 9:16 Video for Vertical Kiosk Screen
January 23, 2020
9:16 Images to 9:16 Video for Vertical Kiosk Screen
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

Hi all.

Capturing screen images in 9:16 format for use on a kiosk screen also displaying in the vertical format.  Typically at 1080×1920 resolution.  No rotation needed or trimming needed, just need to combine and set duration of each slide.  When combining into a mp4 video it will allow you to change output dimensions at first but then indicates problem.  Program’s solution is to square image to 1080×1080.  Any work around?

2020-02-21 14:05:15
2020-02-21 14:05:15

Suspect you were able to solve this already?

2020-01-24 09:37:33
2020-01-24 09:37:33

Only portrait or also landscape mode? Do you use a non-reponsive or responsive project? Which version?

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