February 28, 2020
VR Based Designing Tools: Know Which One Can Ease Painting And Sculpting Task
February 28, 2020
VR Based Designing Tools: Know Which One Can Ease Painting And Sculpting Task
Deep Moteria is the Serial Entrepreneur and Managing Director of Elluminati that helps SME’s with mobility solution. 
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Augmented reality and virtual reality has become a buzz word in the market. It is gaining traction among both the users and business entrepreneurs. Moreover, both the technology is growing at different rates. According to a report by eMarketer, more than 42.9 million people in the U.S prefer to use VR based applications or devices while 68.7 million prefer to explore AR-based tools and devices once per month, this simply represents that 13.0% and 20.8%  from the total population opt for VR or AR-based solutions. 

Image: (Source)

According to IDC recent report, it was found that worldwide spending on virtual reality and augmented reality is predicted to surpass $18.8 Billion till the end of 2020. Consumer spending is expected to grow more by two large use cases that are VR feature viewing, it is expected that it will reach around $1.4 billion while VR games will reach about $3.3 billion. Besides consumers, businesses are also preferring to spend more on these advanced technologies as it provides them with many more benefits that they haven’t imagined to leverage before. 

Image: (Source)

Virtual reality has availed designers and artists with multiple tools from which they can easily choose any to make their painting and sculpting much easier than ever before. VR has undoubtfully merged the world of technology and art and has opened numerous opportunities for artists and designers.

Top VR Tools That Can Be Used for Painting and Sculpting 

VR has opened new possibilities for artists and designers, it provides them with a completely new medium to improve and show their creativity and talent. Even many artists and designers have already started jumping onto the bandwagon to leverage various advantages which it offers to them. Explore to know which VR based tools or app can help you to bring your imagination into reality and can demonstrate your artistic abilities. 

Unbound Alpha

It was released in January 2018, but still, many of the artists and amateurs consider it an early access software. When artists use Unbound Alpha, then it becomes quite easy for them to portray any of the 3D sculptures, they can even include other users to join the same VR room and work on the same sculptures on which they are working presently. For example, it allows you to work with your friend on a particular goofy 3D model or any other model on which you both can work simultaneously. 

Unbound alpha is one of the best and advanced tools for designers and artists to design and work with. In fact, artists or designers can have a whole scene to accomplish various tasks at the same time. Any design or content that designers craft can be exported to OBJ files and to 3D printers. They can even know how the particular app or software will look and feel like when it is completely developed or is in the developing phase. 

Tilt Brush

Google introduced Tilt Brush in 2014, it was the first to use VR technology for farming in the design space and 3D sculpting. This advanced VR based brush allows users to paint with different shapes, lights, colors, and even allows them to add special effects to their painting as per their requirements. Tilt Brush can be considered as an impeccable piece of VR based software which was founded by Skillman & Hackett and was nominated for four Proto Awards in 2014. (Source)

Professional amateurs can use this brush to paint in 3D space inside a VR world. Numerous options are offered to designers when it comes to Tilt Brush, these options include snow, fire, ink, smoke, and many others. They can use this brush to design Gojek Clone or to make a 3D painting for their choice inside a VR world. It provides real experience to the artist as they can walk around, interact, and can share their VR animated GIFs or any other VR masterpiece with others. The best thing about the Tilt Brush is that it works effectively with both the handsets that are Oculus Rift and HTC Vive headsets. 

Facebook Quill

Facebook’s Story Studio recently launched Quill to boost the creation and design to a new level. Quill by Facebook allows designers and artists to explore live canvas in the VR room. It also provides full control to them at every bit when they are creating any design or portraying any 3D sculpture. The 3D animation program provides advance features to the designers and artists, these features include: 

  • Different Creative Styles.
  • Frame-By-Frame Animation
  • Audio Support.
  • Anim Brush.
  • Sharing.

Quill can work effectively with the Oculus Rift headsets, it is available for free to with the Touch controller’s purchase for the users. Even the users who want to leverage advance benefits can purchase it for $29.99 from Oculus Experience. (Source)

Oculus Medium

Oculus Medium can be considered as a perfect tool for all designers and artists. It has been created by putting extra focus on 3D modeling and design. It allows designers and amateurs to create sculpt, objects, models, 3D design, and much more just in a matter of seconds. Oculus Medium has much to offer to the users when they choose it to bring their imagination into reality. It offers the user with: 

  • Prefabricated Stamps.
  • Faster Navigation
  • Community
  • High-Res Mashes Export. 
  • Tutorial And User Assistance
  • Connection and Collaborations

Artists or designers can use a variety of prefabricated stamps to develop complex structures. It even allows users to export high-res mashes for their 3D printing and modeling. Oculus is also hosting a community site where any of the individuals can easily share and save their design, sculptures, or any other work. 

Mozilla A-Painter

Mozilla’s A-Painter response to Tilt Brush very effectively and allow the artist to come up with new creativity and design. It has been developed by the Mozilla VR Team, it’s actually not a VR app but a web-based app that doesn’t demand installation of any software when it comes to using it. Moreover, users who want to experience the full potential of An Painter need to make sure that they use an HTC Vive controllers, headset, and a Windows operating system. 

Artists can use 30 brushes for designing 3D illustrations. They can even load and save local binary files of particular illustrations that they are creating. A Painter offers multiple benefits to users like exploring 3D printing that also without the use of a headset, crafting custom brush, and much more. It is more beneficial for those who have basic knowledge of coding. It is one of the vital parts of a different web-based VR content crafted by the Mozilla VR team, any of the users can explore this content with the help of Oculus Rift and HTC Vive handsets. 

Find a Perfect VR Match for Your Painting & Sculpturing!

Besides, above-listed VR based tools there are many other which artists and amateurs can use to make their design and sculpture feel and look more real. Every one of us knows it well that the landscape and ways of designing and sculpturing are changing from time to time, thus it becomes essential for the artist, designers, and amateurs to opt for new ways of creation, this might help them to come up with more creativity and unique 3D designing and painting. 

2021-12-08 01:15:26
2021-12-08 01:15:26

thanks for the share!

2021-12-08 01:15:04
2021-12-08 01:15:04

good write up

2021-12-08 01:11:47
2021-12-08 01:11:47

Interesting read

2020-03-04 08:51:57
2020-03-04 08:51:57

What about Vive from HTC, one of the main companies with focus on VR?

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