The text of text captions of me and my collegue are different. Where can I open the settings to display the automatic text insertions?
Looks like this is just something posted to acquire a score?
When looking at the tags, which are very confusing: is this a software simulation? Are you talking about the messages which are inserted automatically if the software sim is in a demo mode? But why do you refer to a ‘custom menu’?
Can you offer some more details? Which ‘captions’ are you talking about? Are they the Success/Failure/Hint messages which appear for an interactive object? In that case you probably talk about Shapes, not about Captions. Or do you talk about the messages on quiz slides? Or those appearing when recording a software simulations? Content can be edited of the messages, but I need first answer to those questions.
Moreover, please tell which version you are using, full number as to be found under Help, About Captivate.