I am using Adobe Captivate 2019. A couple of days ago I was working on setting Recording Defaults. After attempting to Create New Style, I got a Fatal Error. After that I lost the ability to create a New Bank Project, and all of my preset Recording Defaults are gone. Many times when I click on the Recording Defaults button or the Object Style Manager button it comes up with a blank screen (not blank defaults, but a totally blank screen) and I have to use Task Manager to close down Captivate. If I do get the Recording Defaults window to display (with blank defaults) and click on the Create New Style button I get a Fatal Error.
I am trying to understand how I could have broken the system by attempting to create my own defaults.
There are many versions of CP2019. Can you check the full version number with Help, About Captivate?
It looks like you have corruption. Did you try to clean the Preferences? Find the subfolder ‘utils’ under the installation folder and run the CleanPreferences… file fitting for your OS, while Captivate is closed. On restarting CP a fresh copy of Preferences will be restored.
Recording defaults are part of the Theme. If the Preferences solution is not helping, maybe the Theme you are using is corrupted. Which theme do you use?
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