April 8, 2020
Missing XSD and XML files when publishing
April 8, 2020
Missing XSD and XML files when publishing
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people


I started my project on a Mac using Captivate 11.  I finished the project on a Windows machine using Captivate 2019.

When I publish the file using the windows machine all the XSD and XML files are missing.  They do not get created when I publish the project. I have done a test on the Mac today on a new project and when I publish from the Mac there are no XSD or XML files. Our LMS requires these files.

When I look inside the zip folder for other projects that have been created on Windows only, all the XSD and XML files exist.  So is there a difference in file structure of Mac vs. windows?

1. Is there a setting on the Mac I can change so these files are created on publish?

2. How do you recommend that I get the finished project on the windows machine, to actually publish with these files?

We are working with a time sensitive topic because it is COVD related and we need to get the information out to our staff immediately.  The missing files have been a huge stumbling block for us.

Thanks for any help


2020-04-09 12:13:35
2020-04-09 12:13:35

I would check that eLearning Output is enabled when you publish your project. If you publish your project and eLearning Output is disabled in the Publish To My Computer/Publish for Devices window, all the files associated with SCORM eLearning reporting (XSD and XML) will not be created in your published project.


2020-04-09 10:32:38
2020-04-09 10:32:38

Had to collaborate with someone on Mac in the past, and there are some issues for sure. I would recommend not to publish from Mac if possible. That was my conclusion, but al a Win user.

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