May 7, 2020
My points keep being deleted a few hours after my contributions
May 7, 2020
My points keep being deleted a few hours after my contributions
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people


I’m trying to get some points and increse my level in this community to obtain a free license for Adobe Captivate. At the moment I am working with the 30-day trial, and I am only studying and building my portfolio, so I can’t really afford the software. I think the levels system is a great idea, I genuinely want to contribute to this community, showcase my work, get your feedback, read and comment your blog posts, have discussions…

The problem is, whenever I comment or like posts (that’s all I have done so far) I get the points in my profile… but they get deleted a few hours after. Has anyone had a similar problem?

2022-06-13 17:23:52
2022-06-13 17:23:52

I just discovered this and am trying to work toward a trial, but I’ve liked and commented on a few posts and haven’t been awarded any points. I’m very confused and really hoping I can make this work because the subscriptions are so expensive. Did you get this resolved?

2021-07-20 09:20:56
2021-07-20 09:20:56

Can any one help?


2020-08-27 16:07:45
2020-08-27 16:07:45

I got 150 points but unable to use it as incentives


2020-06-11 00:37:15
2020-06-11 00:37:15

I hope this was resolved for you. It sounds quite frustrating.

2020-05-21 06:37:55
2020-05-21 06:37:55

Finally truly fixed!!

2020-05-14 16:37:10
2020-05-14 16:37:10

Just checked on your account and you have 12. It may not me showing you but your grind is true and respected!!

's comment
2020-05-15 07:13:57
2020-05-15 07:13:57
's comment

Are you talking to me? This is what shows up on my profile. You see the lack of logic, lifetime points were about 135000, now decremented to a number which is lower than my year total.

Wished they set up a correct and logical scoring system.  Good idea to take out the contributors on the home page, didn’t make sense if you allow someone to have a high score just by clicking Like button everywhere.


2020-05-14 11:08:58
2020-05-14 11:08:58

Feel your pain… this is a bad situation but I can only offer my sympathy as another user.

2020-05-14 11:02:24
2020-05-14 11:02:24

I am trying to get this issue some steam and hopefully get this addressed. At this point over the last 5 days I should have at least 30 points but again when I log in.. reset again ZERO points.

2020-05-09 08:00:27
2020-05-09 08:00:27

Something is going awry, indeed. You can look at my profile: lifetime score is lower than the annual score…. Hope someone from the staff pops in.

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