May 24, 2020
Text Entry Box – Best practice for using that text outside of Captivate?
May 24, 2020
Text Entry Box – Best practice for using that text outside of Captivate?
Newbie 2 posts
Followers: 0 people


I understand how to capture a learner’s text using a text entry box, store it in a variable and even display the text again on a subsequent slide using a use case such as.. “At the beginning of this class, you mentioned that your primary learning goal was….”.   Does anyone have samples of using this entered text outside of the Captivate project?  I know that there is an advanced action where I could potentially email the captured text.  Are there any other use cases of sending that captured text outside of Captivate?  I would appreciate any ideas or examples you might have.   Thanks in advance.

2020-05-26 03:13:11
2020-05-26 03:13:11

There is also the option to use the web object and load in a web page  with a HTML form into Captivate. You would need to be familiar with HTML and setting up a web page, but this may give you more options to manipulate the data.

2020-05-25 20:40:02
2020-05-25 20:40:02

You can use Javascript to transfer the contents of an Adobe Captivate variable that contains the user-generated text to a Javascript variable and display in a new browser window or possibly do other things with that information. Here is a recent tutorial where I answered a very similar question from one of my other videos.


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