June 26, 2020
Captivate Advance Answer Slide HELP needed
June 26, 2020
Captivate Advance Answer Slide HELP needed
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

Need your help. I am new to Captivate and have built my first quiz. I used advanced actions to display a message for each correct or incorrect answer. However after the message displays it’s jumping to the next slide and I need it to stay on that slide until the person clicks on the correct answer, then it goes to the next slide/question. What am I doing wrong and THANKS, Norah in Calgary.

2021-11-30 06:03:06
2021-11-30 06:03:06

Noah, do you have any updates for us? We would love to hear about how you solved this problem.

2020-06-28 10:38:17
2020-06-28 10:38:17

Which type of question are you using? Is it MCQ with one correct answer, and are you using Advanced Answer feature or not? I am puzzled because you talk about ‘advanced actions’?

If  you used advanced actions, please insert a screenshot of the Preview of that action. There must be something awry with that action.

Do you have multiple attempts on quiz level?

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