June 25, 2020
HTML5 vs SWF: how do I create a project that will work on all devices with limited LMS
June 25, 2020
HTML5 vs SWF: how do I create a project that will work on all devices with limited LMS
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I am a novice Captivate user, looking to create a learning path for my students without access to a LMS (my school district only allows us to use Google Classrooms). I am ready to pay out of pocket for a Captivate license, but I have some concerns.

1. will I be able to share my project easily?

2. what will happen to my project when students try to follow on a device that does not support SWF? will it completely screw up the learning path?

2021-11-30 06:04:37
2021-11-30 06:04:37

SWF is dead, stay away!!

2020-06-26 08:15:31
2020-06-26 08:15:31

I don'( know why this question is classified as a blog, because that will decrease any chance of getting an answer.

First of all: do NOT publish to SWF anymore. Most browsers (except IE) already banned the required Flash Player and it will be definitely dead at the end of this year. This has been announced since over 3 years.

You can upload courses to a simple webserver. At that moment the learners who have the URL will be able to view your courses but you will not be able to retrieve data about their use of it.  That requires the use of a Learning Management system, or creating a custom solution which needs serious programming skills.

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