June 4, 2020
Interactions > Learning Interactions is blank
June 4, 2020
Interactions > Learning Interactions is blank
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people


I have Adobe Captivate 19 on MacOS Catalina , and I’ve installed Learning Assets. When I go to Interactions > Learning Interactions, I get a blank Select Interaction window.
If I go to Media > Characters, I can see a bunch of assets, including interactions templates under Projects. I wonder if these interactions are the same as under Interactions > Learning Interactions?
1 Comment
2020-06-08 08:51:18
2020-06-08 08:51:18

I am not on Mac, but may I ask to check the exact version number (normally under Help, About Captivate). CP2019 had several releases. As a Mac user you should be on 11.5.4.

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