I am following the instructions for creating advanced actions. I create, save as action, then close. When I go to apply the action to an object, the script is empty. The title that I gave the action is in the list of Existing Actions, but there is no script. It won’t allow me to edit the Existing Action to add in the list of steps needed. So, I create a new action, enter the script, click “Save As Action,” click “Close.” It then asks me do I want to save. I say “yes” and then it says “The Script name is already in use. Enter a new name.” So, I enter a new name. It says “Script saved successfully.” I click “ok.” I click “close.” It asks “Do you want to save the changes?” I click “save.” It says “The script name is already in use. Enter a new name.” Please help. Thanks.
I experienced the same issue yesterday and my variables and advanced actions all have unique names. Captivate 2019 build on Windows 10. I noticed the issue when I was working in a project that contains a drag and drop activity and that activity contains 37 drag objects (spread across 4 object types) and 4 drop objects. The advanced was created through Project > Advanced Actions. However, it was edited by selecting the drop target, clicking Format > Object Actions, choosing the action and making my changes. After clicking Update Action I clicked Close and was prompted to Save or Not Save. No matter what I chose, the app acted as if I had just created the advanced action and was choosing to Not Save (even if I clicked Save) — and the action steps were wiped out. However, the action title remained in the list and would not let me reuse or add to the action. I had to start over to create another advanced action and not make any changes to my actions through the Object Actions button.
??? Don’t understand. There is no way to edit an advanced action using Format, Object Actions. You can only assign an existing advanced action. Maybe a typo? You need to create duplicate actions. In most cases it is a much better idea to use a single Shared action for such an amount of similar actions. It is possible to choke Captivate.
As for uniqueness of names: I am not only talking about variables and actions, but about using an existing name of an object for an action or a variable.
Suspecting that you are using the same name for an advanced action which has already been used for another item. Something that should be avoided at all time. Each name should be unique. There are two exceptions I am aware of:
- If you create an advanced action for an interactive object and you assign the name to the object before assigning it to the advanced action. You’ll have problems if you do the reverse.
- States do not need unique names, you can use the same name in states for different objects.
Even if you delete an advanced action after having detached it from the triggering events, you can never reuse its name. That is possible for shared actions.When you have deleted the shared action from the Library you can reuse its name.
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