I have a course where the first slide has 10 buttons. Each button takes the user to a different slide that’s made up of just 1 slide worth of content. Can the branching feature in 2019 be done without grouped slides?
I suspect to referring to the Quick Start Project which has a branding structure? That is limited to following the setup.
However branching has been around in all versions of Captivate and is not that hard to achieve, especially since you talk about branching to one slide each, then return to the ‘dashboard’ slide (sorry that is my term for your menu or branching slide):
- Uncheck the playbar under Project, Skin editor and uncheck the borders as well, if you don’t want to see a grey placeholder where the playbar is supposed to be.
- Use the Success event of each button to trigger the command ‘Jump to Slide…’ which you find in the dropdown list.
- If the content slides are in sequence after that dashboard slide, add a Back button which you time for the rest of the project, always on top (Timing properties). For the button type you have the choice between a shape button, a bitmap image as button (look under Assets) or a SVG as button (look at the Icons in the Assets).
- For the success event of the Back button, choose the command ‘Jump to slide’ again, but this time to go to the dashboard slide.
If you want the learner to see which slides they have already visited, add the InBuilt state ‘Visited’ to each of the buttons on the dashboard slide.
If you want a forced view, so that something appears when all content slides have been visited, let me know.
I could give you several links to blogs with that workflow. You can watch the result in this overview of Interactivity in Captivate which may be interesting as well; look at the embedded course:
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