July 13, 2020
Hide content added to text entry field
July 13, 2020
Hide content added to text entry field
Learning Designer
Guide 33 posts
Followers: 21 people


I have a course where a proctor enters a number into a text entry field that is validated against our server to ensure the person is a valid proctor using javascript. We recently had a cheating issue and I wanted to know if anyone has created a solution that hides the number as it’s being typed in, like when type your social security number on a website and it shows the last number you typed in, but changes it to an asterisk as you type the next number?

Or, if there’s another solution that doesn’t show the number at all, so the proctor can type in their code, but the learner can’t see it.

Specifically the concern is in remote proctoring, to ensure the learner doesn’t see the number as the proctor is entering it.

2021-11-30 05:43:01
2021-11-30 05:43:01

Thank you Gred for your detailed response

2020-07-15 12:26:33
2020-07-15 12:26:33

If your text entry box is not a Captivate object but is also built externally, you should be able to designate that input field as a password field to achieve the same effect.

<input type=”password”>

2020-07-15 12:21:28
2020-07-15 12:21:28


Have you tried checking the box that says Password Field?

That should render the entered characters as dots.

See pic.



Greg Stager
's comment
2020-07-15 15:11:19
2020-07-15 15:11:19
Greg Stager
's comment

Thank you so much Greg! That did exactly what I needed!

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