Good Day
I would like to know if anyone here knows how to change the default coordinates in Adobe Captivate?
For example whenever I use the import option media>image, the image snaps to default coordinates of 20(x) & 20(y). I would like the default to be 0(x) & 0(y).
I have also noticed the same problem when importing an image background in the master slide section.
Hmmm… not sure to understand. I mostly drag from the Library but many assets will end up in the CENTER of the stage, not at specific location. Strange thing is that the center point of the bounding box is used in that case, whereas in most other situations the top left corner is the reference. You talk about 20/20 for the reference point, which is the top left corner of the bounding box? Which exact version are you using? Look for the complete number under Help, About Captivate.
BTW: if that is indeed the case for you, here a quick workaround. Using SHIFT-combined with an arrow will move an item 10px in that direction. I use that a lot when duplicating objects. The duplicate will be offset by 10px down and to the right.
CTRL-arrow will move also in the direction of the arrow, but over the grid size which you find in Preferences. I often set it to 20px instead of the default 16px.
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